To do the exercises on this website, some equipment is useful:
- Some hand-held weights (3,5,8 and 10 pounds).
- A slant board with an open upper (these are hard to find).
- A mat.
- A good jump rope.
These are not essential, just very helpful. For instance, one can construct a make-shift slant board with cushions, mats, and whatever is handy. If need be, exercises that call for a slant board can be done on the floor instead, using a thick mat if possible.
How much time is needed?
A half hour is a good minimum. An hour is better. Two even better. For me, I now need much less rest and sleep, so time-wise I am even ahead. People with problems certainly find time to go to the doctor or the hospital. I did. Add up this time, and exercise is the winner.
Exercise is best when it also provides a complete break from the stresses of everyday life. This means a special time set aside, without interruption. The body and mind relax together. It is desirable to exercise in some special place, or even outdoors. Music can be a fine companion. An hour of uninterrupted exercise by oneself can bring real satisfaction and well-being.
The exercise equipment at contemporary gyms:
When Mr. Falk was alive, I was not aware of any of the gyms, places, or fitness centers as we have today. They have such wonderful equipment, exercise devices, special purpose equipment, and pools. Mr. Faulk had a couple of such devices in his studio, but neither he nor I had any idea what was to come later. He would have loved this equipment today. And, this website would be different in this respect. However, the principles remain the same. Which are:
- Observe a person’s moment.
- Try to find an exercise that improves and corrects that moment.
The results should be reduction in pain somewhere.
Selection of Exercises:
I am not a qualified physician. As with all exercise programs, when using these routines and examples shown, you need to use common sense. To reduce and avoid injury, you may want to check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program. By performing these exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this information shared on this website.