To develop balance and orientation. To give flexibility to the back, shoulders, and neck.
On the forward roll, the feet should be wide apart, and the head placed gently on the mat. The roll should be gentle and slow. A 2 or 3-inch mat is nice.
I was terrified of this exercise, and I still don’t enjoy it. Bernie had prepared me (a little) by prescribing the Back Rock before, but when the time came, I was still full of fears.
Three rollovers were a lot for starters. I got dizzy or felt a slight stomach upset. When I could do 10 Rollovers, I was pleased. Children do these often – encourage them.

Selection of Exercises:
I am not a qualified physician. As with all exercise programs, when using these routines and examples shown, you need to use common sense. To reduce and avoid injury, you may want to check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program. By performing these exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. Theoryofexercise.com will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this information shared on this website.